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Showing posts from March, 2009

He loves my song!

Tonight when I put Hyzyd to sleep, I sang to him the song "Create in me a clean heart". When I stopped because his dad talked to me, he tried to reach out my mouth and tried to tell me something- he wanted me to keep on singing! Wow, my son loves my voice (though I'm out of tune sometimes). He even love it better when his dad joined me in singing. He sleeps so sound now. It's my prayer that my son grows up singing songs to HIM.

He wanted to stand 4 months and 3 weeks!

This afternoon is the first time we see our baby standing alone. He loves it! Isn't this milestone too early for him?

Rolling over

Once your baby has head control , and about the same time that he learns to sit on his own , he'll learn to roll over. He'll eventually learn to flip over from his back to his tummy and vice versa, and he'll use his newfound skill to get around a bit. The incentive for those early rolls is often an elusive toy — or you. When it develops Your baby may be able to kick himself over, from his tummy to his back, as early as age 2 to 3 months. It may take him until he's about 5 or 6 months to flip from back to front, though, because he needs stronger neck and arm muscles for that maneuver. How it develops At about 3 months, when placed on his stomach, your baby will lift his head and shoulders high, using his arms for support. This mini-pushup helps him strengthen the muscles he'll use to roll over. He'll amaze you (and himself!) the first time he flips over. (While babies often flip from front to back first, doing it the other way is perfectly normal, too.) At 5 mon...

When can my baby hold his bottle?

When Hyzyd was 3 months we let him try to hold his bottle and he could for few seconds..he..he.. Check out his first attempt: Now that he's almost 5 months we try to let him hold his bottle...we'll he'll just play with it and couldn't go on with his feeding once he's distracted. I started to wonder, "When is the right time for my baby to hold his bottle? Some babies have the fine-motor skills required to hold a bottle — and get it to its target — as early as 6 months. For others, it will be closer to 10 months. The only way to tell if your baby can hold his own bottle is to hand him one and watch what happens. If he has the motor skills to put the bottle in his mouth and to take it out when he's full, you can offer him one every now and then. But no matter how old your baby is, don't be tempted to prop a bottle in his mouth as a way to hasten the process. A propped bottle could force your child to overeat, or even cause him to choke. And if your baby fa... it's "Fingers-sucking"

Hyzyd sucks his fingers almost all the it okay?...should I stop him? Babies generally suck their thumb to soothe themselves, which is good, because they need to learn how to rely on their own resources. The ability to regulate or control one's behavior and emotions is an important developmental challenge. When your child sucks her thumb, she's finding ways to make herself feel better without your help. You don't have to stop your child from sucking her thumb right now. In general, thumb-sucking is more irritating to parents than it is harmful to kids. Your baby will stop when she's ready and has developed other ways of soothing herself. This article relieves me. Now I'm wondering why it usually happens to baby? No one taught them to do so...right? This is the photo of Hyzyd's arm where you see the grey spot. My friend said that it will disaapear when he grows up. It looks like a birth mark but actually it is just the aftermath of his sucking when he...


Even though crying is still my baby's strongest form of communication, he's also beginning to develop a sense of humor. He may start to laugh at pleasant surprises, such as my face appearing from underneath a blanket or a toy popping out of a box, provided it isn't too loud or startling. We encourage our baby's laughs, giggles, and smiles with funny faces and lots of general silliness. He enjoys hearing a variety of sounds, and I don't need special toys or instruments to create them. We (includes my hubby, his uncle) simply click our tongue, whistle, or make animal noises — our baby love it!

Could it be false alarm?

I posted before that our baby is teething and showing teething symptoms like drooling, gnawing, crying, fasting and waking. We even see somewhat like "white cap" on his gums for few days but now it's gone...Could he really be teething? or maybe it's just a false alarm....

When will my baby start getting teeth?

I asked the same question posted above when my brother asked me if Hyzyd has already started teething because he saw white caps on his gum where the bottom middle teeth supposed to come out last March 7. I'm not so sure at that time. This was confirmed when the grandma who babysits Hyzyd told us that he is. I wanted to make sure if it's not yet to early for him, is now the right time and what should I do? I turned to Baby Center to find some answers. The vast majority of babies sprout their first teeth when they're between 4 and 7 months of age. An early developer may get his first white cap as early as 3 months, while a late bloomer may have to wait until he's a year old or more. (In rare cases, a baby's first tooth is already visible at birth.) Whenever the first tooth makes its appearance, celebrate the milestone by taking pictures and noting the date in your child's baby book. Teeth actually start developing while your baby's in the womb, when tooth bud...

Runny or Stuffy Nose

Oh my poor baby! He has stuffy nose this week but I thank God that eventhough he has this irritating condition, he's definitely fine. I'm not sure if he's contracting cold but the following symptoms like congestion; runny nose; sneezing and cough shows except having fever. One reason that babies get a lot of colds is that their immune systems are immature, making them more vulnerable to illness. Also, your child can develop immunity to only one of the more than 200 different viruses that cause the common cold at a time. Think of all the colds you've had in your lifetime. Your baby would have to get all of those — and more — to be immune to all cold viruses. As your baby grows, he's likely to be exploring a lot and touching (and licking!) everything, so it's easy for him to pick up a cold virus on his hands. Then all he has to do is put his fingers in his mouth or nose or rub his eyes, and the virus will get a chance to set up shop. Your baby may get sick more of...

Could my baby's rash be eczema?

My baby has scaly red patches on his skin that seem to be very itchy. He started having this before he's a month old until now. He was given cream by his Pediatrician twice already and it's keep on coming back. "What is this ugly rash?"I wondered. Last week as we visited his pediatrician again for vaccination schedule, she gave a special cream for my baby and she said it treats ECZEMA. Eczema is also called atopic dermatitis, a skin rash that often appears in the first year of life. Eczema usually shows up on a baby's forehead, cheeks, and scalp, but it can spread to the arms, legs, chest, or other parts of the body. Your baby's rash might look like dry, thickened, scaly skin, or it might be made up of tiny red bumps that can blister, ooze, or become infected if scratched. Eczema isn't contagious, but because it's intensely itchy, scratching can be a problem. What causes eczema? No one knows for sure, but we do know that the tendency to have eczema is...

Disclosure Policy

This policy is valid from 03 March 2009 This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation. This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. We believe in honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post will be clearly identified as paid or sponsored content. The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic...

Hyzyd @ 4 months...

Now that Hyzyd is 4 months, I gonna check how he's growing. I read that by this time "Babies love to check themselves out in a mirror ". In fact, faces are my baby's favorite things to see right now. We tried to hold him in front of a mirror and we watched his delight. He won't understand that it's his own reflection until he's about 7 or 8 months old, but he's enjoying the view. And the motion of his hands in the mirror will capture his attention. According to Researchers believe that my baby can now understand all the basic sounds that make up his native language. Between this time and 6 months of age, he'll develop the ability to make some of these sounds, which means I may hear the words I've been dreaming about, namely "mama" and "dada." While child development experts say it's too early for my baby to connect those sounds with me, that won't make hearing him any less exciting. I can ...