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Showing posts from September, 2009

First Mini-Giveaway of Azumi's blog

Before I'll launch my blog contest , let's first join Azumi's First Mini-Giveaway Contest . You'll surely love the prizes at stake! Check this out! TWO (2) lucky participants will win a $25 Gift Cards to the Shutterfly Store to use for the many print options on the site and additonal prizes from the SPONSORS, and another TWO (2) lucky participants will win the other prizes . LUCKY DOLLY 1: $25 Gift Certicate from Shutterfly $5 from Crayons N pencil 3000 EC Credits from All About Babies and Kids 2000 EC Credits from Our Adventures Together 2000 EC Credits from 1000 EC Credits from My Little Angel's Journey 1000 EC Credits from Samantha's Own 1 month Adspace at/from Kerstin Closet 1 month Adspace at/from Kizuna 1 month Adspace at/from Just About Anything 1 month Adspace at/from Samantha's Own LUCKY DOLLY 2 $25 Gift Certicate from Shutterfly 2500 EC Credits from Kaya Mo, Pinoy! 2000 EC Credits from Tasty Exploration 2000 EC Credits from Her...

Welcome to toddlerhood my baby!

Our baby is already 11 months! Truly time flies so faaaaaaaaasssst! One more month to go and we already have a toddler instead of a baby! Having a baby is like carrying a little happiness bomb. Everyone smiles to us when our baby is with us...he..he..He's such an "attention-absorber" anywhere we go. This time, Hyzyd could now bend over to pick up objects or play with his toys. Can't walk by his own yet but has gained more confidence in his balance. He started cruising for a month now, he scales along the side of our sofa , to the table to between our legs until he arrives at his destination: upright, but hanging on tight. Just tonight, he bravely (or inadvertently) let go of his grip and find himself balancing on his own two feet and took a few steps!Though it only lasted for seconds , it brought us so much joy! Soon...we'll be the proud parent of a toddling toddler. We celebrate Hyzyd's 11 months with a baby cake and he ate half of it!

Mommy Moments-Treasured Pictures

Picture paints a thousand words...thus I don't want to make this post long with stories behind each treasured pictures. 1. My marriage 2. My big happy family 3. Being parents 4. Our little boy's contagious smile at 4 months 5. Friends 6. Seal's Kiss 7. ESL Teacher Share your treasured pictures to mommies out there at Mommy Moments .

On your feet, baby Hyzyd!

Hyzyd can stand on his own but seems afraid or unsure of how to actually move. But today he surprised us all at my co-teacher's apartment. He pushed the chair and walk around with full confidence! It's our first time to witness him walking with that pace because at home he doesn't have much space to explore walking using a chair as his push-toy. When we let him try, he just walk a few steps and then crawls. This afternoon he enjoyed walking and it lasted for a couple of minutes which is pretty encouraging for us (I never mind that I'm "bathing" with sweat afterwards!).

Hyzyd just learn to brush his teeth

I just " graduated " from being Hyzyd's "teeth brusher"...he..he...I used finger brush when he had his 2 milk teeth (kinda late though) but thanks to Mommy Bambie of Azumi who posted about her baby Anzu brushing her own teeth, I'm excited to buy a new toothbrush for Hyzyd and let him brush his own teeth. We choose the brush designed for babies with 6-10 milk teeth. I'm surprised of my baby's skill to brush his teeth after few hours of introducing! Let the pictures and video convinced you that he truly is...he..he..sorry for being a stage mom:

Potty training: a success!

Most children show signs of readiness to begin using the toilet as toddlers, usually between 18 months and 3 years of age. In my case, Hyzyd masters his potty training at 10 months old! Look how comfortable he is! I tried to practice using this potty chair for him when he was still 6 months old. Early morning when he wakes up, I carry him and let him poo on this potty chair. He's not comfortable with it at first especially when he's 8 months old which I let him try to sit on it. He surprised us last week that the aunt who babysat him told us that she didn't have problem with Hyzyd using the potty chair! For proof, I left my digicam and instructed the aunt to took a picture of Hyzd while "poo-pooing"...he..he..and we're so glad that he's getting used to potty chair every time he shows that he needed one. I thank you Lord for this another milestone of our li'l boy!

10 month-old baby Hyzyd is snapping his fingers!

This is the video of Hyzyd which I promised about when I wrote about the highlights of his being a 10-month-old baby .

Hyzyd got his new high chair!

We found a very nice high chair at Central and Hyzyd loves it the first time we let him try. but the price is beyond what we can afford at that time. Last week, when we visited Robinson, we found the same high chair with a discount of almost 2,000 THB so we decided to buy it! at Robinson Hyzyd knew that inside the box is his high chair! helping his dad ..can't just wait!..he..he.. our li'l boy loves his new high chair! I think that highchairs are great for children, the number of utilities these chairs provide are a necessity at a time when we want that our children become independent faster.Right? We really prayed that we'll have the highchair to provide Hyzyd with right technique and facilities where he can sit and carry out a number of activities, like eating, sitting at the level of us-the adults where he can watch what is going on at the dining table, watch me work in the kitchen while he can sit and relax and let me relax for a while...he..he.. This highchair has s...

Mommy Moments- Dress Up Day

Thanks to Willa for the button. Hyzyd usually dress up during Sundays when we're going to church. He always wear sleeveless and just diaper at home but with shorts in going with us to department stores. These are some of his pictures being dressed up: It's Dress Up Day at Mommy Moments . Come on and join us!

Buzz: We got the high chair!

I mentioned on my previous post that my son loves the high chair that we saw at Central. Guess what? We got the same high chair at a lower price in another department store! Blog about the details later with the pics. My son just love and enjoying his new high chair. We thank you Lord for granting our desires for our baby!