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Our Baby at 3 months!

Each baby is unique and meets social milestones at his own pace. As for our baby Hyzyd , here are some of the the potential he's able to accomplish as three months-old baby.

During this month, he already able to lift his head while on his back and hold it for several minutes. When we let him sit on his carrier he's be able to hold his head steady and erect. When he's on his stomach, we're amazed to see him lifting his head and chest as if he was doing mini-pushups!

As his hips and knee joints become more flexible, his kicks are getting stronger. If we hold him up with his feet on the floor he would push down on his legs now. He does it too everytime his dad bathe him. He can bring both hands together and started sucking it...sometimes sucking it too much that we'll remove his finger from his mouth that cause him to cry out loud. LOL! I usually encourage his hand development by holding out a toy to see if he'll grasp it. He grasp it but not yet too tight except when grasping my hair!

His sleep patterns start to settle down. He sleeps through the night even without swaddling him, though he sometimes wake up at 4:00 am for the occasional feeds (usually, I give him water for he's sweating and thirsty).

I love his smiles. My Thai friend even commented that he really loves to visit my baby because she always misses his wide, sweet smile. Most likely he smiles at strangers, especially when they look him straight in the eye and coo or talk to him. But I noticed that he's beginning to sort out who's who in his life and definitely prefers some people to others.

The parietal lobe, the part of the brain that governs hand-eye coordination and allows a person to recognise objects, is developing rapidly now. And the temporal lobe, which assists with hearing, language, and smell, has also become more receptive and active. So when he hears my voice and his dad's voice, he look directly on us and start gurgling, giggling or trying to talk back.

I continue reading to him. I believe that no matter how small he is, it will pay off in the future. It helps him develop an ear for the cadence of language -- in fact, I vary the pitch of my voice, using accents, singing, and vocalising. It makes the aural connection between me and my baby much more stimulating.

There are also plenty of good books to read to your baby. Choose board books with large, bright pictures and simple text -- or even wordless books with pictures for you to narrate. I started eyeing some good books that are both fun and interactive to help my baby discover the world of words at such an early age.

By now, he responds to his face in the mirror by smiling (our room has a big-attached-to-wall mirror). I noticed that he loves looking at himself...he...he..he..and when I talked to him or his dad is calling him, he stop sucking his fingers not thumb:) or bottle to listen to our voices. I try to connect to my baby through cooing or making noises at him, and by describing even the most mundane household chore. Our baby is becoming more animated and engaging -- flashing smiles, oohing and cooing even with others. The fun has really begun. When I'm with friends or visitors are coming in our house, we keep him nearby so he can hear the richness of human interaction.

We really thank you Lord for this precious gift.


  1. ay ang cute ng baby nyo...pwed pa kiss?tnx for following my do d same here...God Bless!


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