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Hyzyd's Daily Routine

This summer Hyzyd enjoys his daily routine with his mom and dad...

In the morning as he wakes up at 6:30 in the morning, he'll play in his cot and mumble some incomprehensible words that only his mom could translate. After awhile, if mom is still sleeping and doesn't attend to his need to poo..he..he..he'll start to whimper and cry out a little bit to let his mom and dad know that he's waken up. When mom hears his cry, mom will get up and prepares his milk because mommy knows Hyzyd is hungry. Mom will greet him "Good morning, baby", his eyes lights up and gives his mom his sweetest smile....

After feeding, Hyzyd is trained to poo...(remember mommy to buy potty for little Hyzyd) goes the poopie...After cleaning and changing nappy, the mom and son will go to their chitchat of the day, lead the baby to pray, kiss daddy good morning before going downstairs.

Mommy will prepare his cerelac (mixed fruit with milk for this week)'s still hot, so while waiting to get it cold, mom and baby go out for a walk, feel the sunshine and breathe the fresh air. The moment mommy opens the gate, Hyzyd is overwhelmed with joy and excitement-he's laughing and giggling...he's such a beautiful sight on a wonderful day!

After about 5-10 minute-walk, they'll come back to the house and eat the cerelac and take his tiki-tiki...while eating daddy is boiling water for Hyzyd's bath tub. After eating, he's ready for his BATH! Hyzyd loves bath time!!!! Once, mommy will take off his shirt and nappy, he's giigling and squinting his eyes....Ohhhhh...his bathtime won't be complete without his dad...It's hard already for mommy to have him take a bath alone for he's already very active and moves like a "fish"..LOL!!! He really feels so refreshed after the bath...

His mom seldom uses baby powder because he's allergic to it....Manzanilla is applied to his head, tummy, and feet to get rid of
"panuhot". He wears sleeveless all the time and just the diaper. He uses about 6-10 sleeveless in a day!..Afterwards, he watches children songs on TV..His fave one is BINGO....

He takes a nap at 10 am-11:30 am. If he''s distracted in his nap, he wakes up fussy but if he get enough rest, he just wake up without a sound and just play by himself. This month he already eat solid food three times a day...lunch...of course drink milk, water...nap...take a walk with mom or else he's put in a walker and practice walking!!!

If the weather is good, he was taken to the department store near to their house. He loves riding on a motorbike...He just stand at the back of his dad with mom holding him.

At night, he eats early..around 6:00-6:30, have a half-bath, playtime with time and storytelling before he's put to bed around 7:30..He's trained to sleep by himself..He's such a good boy!


  1. Tiki-tiki baby rin pala si Hyzyd :) And Joaqui also loves to take walks in the morning. Now he likes to ride the tricycle and the jeep. Hehehe...they really complete our day as moms ; )

  2. Ysabel@Used Jeeps For SaleAugust 24, 2009 at 9:21 PM

    How cute.. early walks in the morning are essential so they get to see the sun rise. Just not so much.

    Recent blog:=- Celebrate Life With The Jeep Wrangler


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