Last April 16 as I visited my baby's blog, I saw a message from my cbox that Femikey Designs is offering my baby's blog a free blog makeover! What a privilege! Of all the bloggers out there, she chose me to enjoy the works of her gifted hand in web designing! I can't contain myself...I'm overjoyed! This blog just won a customized layout and now my other blog! It's like "killing" two birds with one stone! he..he..It's a great blessing.
This is the lay-out before:
This is the lay-out before:

Today, when I open my baby's blog this is what welcomes me!

Compare the old layout to the new blog layout here. You will see how Femikey Designs did a great job. I love the color combination-it's suited to my theme. Check out the header- the pretty gal looks like me...LOL! I'm digging the two sidebars and love the extra posting space.I will be sure to brag to all my blog-friends about her site! Thank you so much! You did a great fabulous job and my baby and I love it!
I would suggest that you'll visit Femikey Designs , leave a comment, subscribe and follow her . That's what I did. I even expressed my desire of winning a free blog makeover from her! Maybe that made her checkout my blog and as she saw how much it needed some makeover, she offered me her valuable service for FREE! God bless you!
What are you waiting for? Visit Femikey Designs!
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