Yesterday was my baby's 8 months birthday! Before the pictures let me first summarize his milestones:
1 month:
1 month:
- lifts head when lying on tummy, can hold his head at 45-degree angle
- respond to sounds
- stares at faces
- vocalizes oohs and aahs
- smiles
- started to gurgle and coo
- gurgles and coos
- notices his hand
- holds head up for short periods until he mustered his strength to hold his head steady for longer period of time
- makes smoother movement
- lifts head and shoulder when lying on tummy (mini-push-up)
- recognizes my face and his dad's face as well as our scent
- visually tracks moving object
- squeals, gurgles and coos
- started to blow bubbles
- recognizes our voices
- does mini-push-up
- turns toward loud sounds
- attempted to bring hands together
- smiles and laughs
- started to eat solid food
- starts "finger-sucking"
- smiles and laughs
- can bear weight on legs
- coos when we talk to him
- started to grasp some toys but not his bottle (I wonder)
- imitates sounds-lala,baba,dada,mama
- rolling over from tummy
- play with his hands and feet
- recognizes his own name
- had his first tooth
- turns toward new sounds
- mastered rolling over in both directions
- sits momentarily without support
- mouths objects
- separation anxiety begin
- start eating blended food with fruits and veggies
- turns toward sound and voices
- sits without support
- started to pass object from hand to hand
- lunges forward then started crawling
- started jabbering-mahmeh, dahdeh
- drags objects toward himself
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