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Hyzyd's first encounter with DIAPER RASH!

Yesterday, we slept early around 6:30 pm after Hyzyd's bath and dinner. Around 1:00 am he woke up for his milk. After that, I expect him to go back to sleep but he's wide awake already and wanted to play with me! Oh, I'm soooooooo sleepy. Good thing that my hubby took care of him. He's defecating and my hubby took care of it. After awhile he started whimpering, crying and bawling! It's very unusual for him. I'm alarmed...something is wrong! I thought he's having flatulence so I apply Manzanilla on his tummy and let him take Gripe water...Still he's crying violently. I'm already crying while praying for God to touch my baby and heal him from this predicament.

He was asleep almost 4:00 am and I'm already dizzy! When he woke up around 6:00 am and started crying again, we planned to change his diaper only to find out that his bottom is red and irritated. It's diaper rash! I wonder why does it appeared so suddenly....I bathed him last night, clean his bottom...the rash isn't there yet...I'm perplexed.

I'm aware about diaper rash that's why I'm taking extra care with my baby to prevent diaper rash especially now that he's sitting most of the time and is also eating solid foods, which may change the acidity of the bowel movements . I change diapers every 3-4 hours to prevent urine or feces from coming into contact with skin. I even instructed the grandma who takes care of Hyzyd to do the same. I see to it that before putting on a new diaper, the skin is dry and clean. I avoid tape adhering to the skin when applying the diaper because this can also lead to breakdown and irritate the skin.

He's relieved from the pain now. I washed the skin with a very mild soap and air dried it. I apply petroleum jelly on the affected areas. I left the diaper off for the whole day. He just wear one now before going to sleep. I hope he'll be totally fine tomorrow.


  1. Is Hyzyd on formula? When Joaqui had a diaper rash, the milk was the culprit. He developed lactose intolerance and we had to change milk. I hope your baby is doing better ; )

  2. Glad to know na ok na si Hyzyd but 'm still hoping he'll be perfectly alright tomorrow.Hugs!

  3. glad to know he is OK now, ewan ko if I am lucky or what pero I never experienced diaper rash with my kids.. ah wait maybe because I did not exposed them on diapers that much..


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