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I join the blog contest of Mom Gen of Wonderful Things in Life

Wonderful Things In Life

This blog is joining for the first time a blog contest hosted by Mom Gen of Wonderful Things in My Life. I hope this first step of this blog to socialize will be encouraging and be blessed. Winning Mom Gen's contest will make the day!..he..he..

Because the contest will end on June 26 I still have ample time to participate and if you happen to know this contest first through this blog and decided to join, would you please tell her...*wink*...This will help me earn more points...LOL! Though the winners will be picked through, I'm still hoping to earn higher points to covet the special prizes for the highest pointers...just a guess...he...he...because there are options to earn points.

Who can join? Anyone could join as long that your blog is at least a month old and have more than 10 post already.For more clarification of the rules and mechanics of the contest, head on to the site of Wonderful Things in My Life or just simply click the contest banner.

Peek the following alluring prizes. Be sure to have a paypal account and Entrecard account to enjoy these prizes. I'm hoping, I'll win again this time! I can't wait for the announcement of winners on June 30!

1st Prize: 22,000 EC
* $5 from My solitude and Serenity
* $5 from Lifemarriageandkids
* $5 from Diva Fabulosa
* 2 papaya beauty soap - ship anywhere Beauche Products
5000 EC from Wonderful Things In Life
5000 EC from My Life's Adventure
5000 EC from The Joy Of Life Forever
5000 EC from Life's Journey
2000 EC from Momgen's Corner Blog
125x125 2 months ad from Life Expressions
125x125 2 months ad from A Momma's Journal
125x125 1 month ad from Pinay in States
125x125 1 month ad from Shopaholics Chronicles Chronicles
125x125 3 months ads from Garden of Moments
125x125 1 month ad from Another Contest
125x125 1 month ad from Sherry Contest
* text link 1 month ad from Symphony of Love
* 125x125 1 month ad from Chica Chika
* -Text link 1 month ad from Life of a Filipina Blog PR3
* Text link 1 month ad from Momma Wannabe PR3

2nd Prize: 20,000 EC
$5 from The Pinay Blogger
$5 from IVF Journies
* 1 yr. Web Hosting plus 125x125 1 yr. ads from
2000 EC from Momgen Garage Store Blog
2000 EC from Momgen Designs
2500 EC + surprise CD or DVD from In This Life Of Ours (US only for CD or DVD)
5000 EC from Simple Happy Life
5000 EC + 125x125 1 month ad from e-Pamilya
2500 EC + 125x125 1 month ad from WhereAbouts
1000 EC from Love's Haven
125x125 1 month ad from Shopping
125x125 1month ad from iluvcontest
125x125 1 month ads from Blessings in Life
125x125 1 month ads from Tere's World
125x125 1 month ads from Nierva Dot Com

3rd Prize: 18,000 EC
5000 EC from Baseball Square
2000 EC + 125x125 1 month ad from Random Thoughts
2000 EC + 125x125 1 month ad from A Moment To Exhale
2000 EC + 125x125 1 month ad from My Barefoot Journey
* 2500 EC + surprise CD or DVD from Everything Has A Reason (US only for CD or DVD)
2000 EC from Xoxanellexox
2000 EC from
500 EC from Mother Knows Best
* Mineral Makeup Foundation in 20gr sifter jar (net wt.3grams) from All Natural Cosmetics
125x125 1 month ad from Sherry Rambling
125x125 1 month ads from Songs Lyrics Collection
125x125 1 month ads from Blogs Contests

4rth Prize: 16,000 EC
3000 EC + 125x125 1 month ad from Chuchie's Hideaway
2500 EC + surprise CD or DVD from Girls Are Made of Sugar & Evrything Nice (US only for CD or DVD)
4000 EC from Wonderful Things In Life
1500 EC from Her and History
1500 EC from Hyzyd's Diary
1500 EC from Dancing in Midlife tune
1500 EC from Healthy Lifestyle
500 EC from So Much To Tell
125x125 1 month ad from name Sherry
125x125 1 month ad from isherrygo
125x125 1 month ad from Heart Random
* Blog Makeover from Momgen Designs
125x125 1 month ads from Text Messages
125x125 1 month ads from Heart's Delight

5th Prize: 14,000 EC
2500 EC = surprise CD or DVD from In My Kitchen (US only for CD or DVD)
1000 EC + 125x125 3 months ad from Worth's Road
2000 EC from Pink-Preciousdotcom
2000 EC from Bob Hairstyle
2000 EC from Blog Design for Wordpress
1000 EC from Health and Beauty Diva
1000 EC from
Pictures and Cultures
1000 EC from Happy Thoughts, Happy Tot
500 EC from Asawa's Love book
1000 EC from Making Money Online Blogging
125x125 1 month ad from Health Is Wealth

6TH PRIZE: 12,000 EC
2500 EC + surprise CD or DVD from My Vegetables Garden (US only for CD or DVD)
500 EC + 125x125 1 month ad from Three Chies' Trends
1000 EC from Cooking's Fun
1000 EC from Moi et mon univers!
1000 EC from Sharing My Thoughts
1000 EC from Things About Computer
1000 EC from All Blog Contest
1000 EC from
1000 EC from History of Supernova & Sweetpain
1000 EC from ANGELS in my Life
1000 EC from Hawaiian Cruise
125x125 1 month ad from Worth $10
125x125 1 month ad from My Life
125x125 1 month ad from Living on One Income

7th Prize: 10,000 EC
1000 EC + 125x125 1 month ad from Scrap Collection
1000 EC + 125x125 3 months ad from Sissy's pastime
1000 EC + 125x125 2 months text link ad from All About My Life
1000 EC from Affiliatizer
2000 EC from Movie Reviews
1000 EC from Rapid Shoots
1000 EC from Style in Me
1000 EC from Mama's Sanity
1000 EC from My solitude and Serenity

8th Prize: 8,500 EC
* surprise CD or DVD plus 2500 EC from Product Reviews Von Mir (US only for CD or DVD)
2000 EC from Contest Love
2000 EC from Joys in Life
1000 EC from Ds Games, Ds Lite, Game Reviews
1000 EC from Scandals Prime dot COM
125x125 1 month ad spot from Indo Contest

Special Prizes: US Only

* upcycled baby girl dress from TDIN Shop (US Only)
* 1 pair earrings from DarlingRose Paper Goods
* 1 pair earrings from Momgen's Corner
* 1 pair earrings from DarlingRose Designs
* 1 pair baby booties from Momgen Garage Store
* 2 pad writing tablets from Rewards Station
* 1 book "You'll Never Walk Alone" from The Fountain Of Happiness
* set of blank note cards with envelopes or a bag of some sort from Audrey Country Crafts

Let's join the contest and enjoy!


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