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Slogan Contest-Entry No.5 heard me right. This is my 5th entry...he..he...This slogan contest is hosted by the two gorgeous sisters, Rosilie of Rosilie: My Blog and DJ Tammy of Anything Under the Sun. It just started last May 20 and will end TOMORROW, June 20, 2009. All you need to do is you must have a unique slogan about blog or blogging. You could enhance it through any decent and unique graphics. If you're like me who's not good in graphics design, don't be discouraged because what's needed here is your SHORT EASILY REMEMBERED PHRASE INTENDED TO BRING AN IDEA (about blog or blogging as I have said) TO A PUBLIC NOTICE.

Here's my 5th entry:

In blogging, you earn friends, experiences and even cash! While enjoying the "earnings", you're also learning various lessons in life from other bloggers, learning bloggers' terminologies, learning different cultures and lifestyles and learning to be YOU!

According to the hosts, the winning entries shall be used as blog shirt prints. Any sale made from these prints will entitle the winning entrant a 10% commission according to the Philippine Peso and US Dollar equivalents. This commission shall be paid through Paypal account of the winning entrant. Isn't this great?

If you have any cool ideas about what is blogging for you and could be used as a unique slogan, why not join the SLOGAN CONTEST and let everybody be benefited of your ideas. Head on to Anthing Under the Sun for more clarification of the Contest Mechanics.

The following are hosts of the contest:

Sister Rosilie's blogs:
Rosilie: My Blog
A Closet of Limitless for Limitless Adventure, Limitless Possibilities
Teacher Techie Says

Sister Tammy's blogs:
Forgetful Princess
Anything Under the Sun

The Sponsors' Links:

Anne Bianca of My Little Home | Maxi of Ovah' Coffee | Twerlyn of Happy Family|
Lainy of Lainy's Musings | Mr. D of Basic Bloganomics | Maxi of Health and Beyond | Lainy of Kuerdas | Jade of Momma Wannabe | Rose of Designs and Scrap LO | Mary Anne of Mary Anne's Musing |Twerlyn of Stay in Love | Lainy of Our Journey to Forever |Lainy of The Certified Fashionable Chic |Mys of Thoughts and Obsessions | Mys of Just Keep Trying |Budiawan Hutasoit of Small Note | Shimumsy/Alf of My Careless Whispers| Bill of My Piece of Paradise | Mommy Elvz of I Luv Give Aways| Mommy Elvz of Straight from the Heart | Mommy Elvz of Musings of a Pinay Working Mom | Mommy Elvz of Mighty in Spirit | Sherry of Joyful Teary Zone |Sherry of Catch Up Giveaway |Shelo of Mi Mundo Del Amor |Jade of The Pinay Blogger || Dianne Karol of Fading Kiss| Tammy of Forgetful Princess | Dianne of| Twinks of Twinkletoe Writing Space| Rosemarie of All About my Life| Rosemarie of The Journey of My Life|DJTammy of Anything Under the Sun| Chuchie of Where Abouts|Chuchie of Chuchie's Hideaway|Star of A Maiden's Testimony|Nedekcir of Girls are made of Sugar and Spice|Nedekcir of Everything has a Reason|Nedekcir of In My Kitchen|Nedekcir of In the Life of Mine|Divya Sai of Blogger Templates Widgets|Sherry of My Mom's Best|Sherry of Hotels For All| Rosilie of Rosilie:My Blog|Mys of Keeps Trying Info|Elai of Elai's Haven|Jena Isle of Random Thoughts|Fe of Femikey Designs|Lee Hsien Loong of Eastcostlife|Kirhat of Seek No More|Kirhat of Nesting Buddy|Rare Jon Rez of My Written xPressions|Sudha of Sudhersana|SunEGrl of Low Carb Weigh of Life |SunEGrl of Made In The USA|SunEGrl of SunEGrl Loves to Shop|QC of The Dream Catcher|Melody of Life Marriage and Kids|Melody of Mama's Sanity|Rosa of Rosa Love's|Rosa of Journey|Rosa of Pinay Mama Blog|Sherry of Wishing Her|Laura of LauraStaley's Shop |Ate Eden of Moments to Remember |Dhemz of My Life's Perception and Inspiration |Donna Mae of Envy Me Salon |Jade of|Chuchie of Three Chies' Trends|Chuchie of Scrap Collection|Cacai of Cacai's Step and Journey |NovaS of History of SuperNova and SweetPair| NovaS of ANGELS in my Life|Novas of Spices of Life|Angie R of Hot In Singapore|Jade of Chica Chica |Jade of Health and Beauty Diva|Jade of Diva Fabulosa| Twins Happiness|Sherry of Sherry Rambling|Rosilie of |Sherry of Shopping|Sherry of Heart Random|Sherry of isherrygo|Sherry of lurveverything|Sherry of NameSherry|Sherry of iLUVcontest|Rosilie of Teacher Techie Says|Rosa of|GeneJosh of Her and History / GeneJosh of Hyzyd's Diary

The announcement of the winner will be on July 18, 2009. It will be very exciting to know who will be the lucky winner!


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