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14 months old Hyzyd

I was awaken this morning with a reminder on my phone " Hyzyd's 14 months". Oh, I thought, my baby is already 15 months! LOL! Yes, today is my baby's 14 months on earth and we're so glad that he's healthy and developing well.

Our baby...ooopsss...our toddler is now pretty clever at inventing strategies to get his point across. He grunts or shriek with pleasure or anger, literally push me in the direction he wants to go, or proffer a prop- a sippy cup if he's thirsty or a shoe if he want to hit to stroll in the mall . I feel like I'm living with a tiny caveperson. LOL!

He's favorite word these days is "dad". Whenever we get home from school, he always welcome us with the word "dad" and hug his daddy and give me a kiss if his dad will ask him to. I taught him to say "mommy" but he will just snob me. Poor mommy!

We don't "baby talk" to him. We talk to him like he's a gentleman. Like this evening, we went to the market and while I buy fish, the vendors commented something about his "thumb sucking". We told him not to do it and he stopped thumb sucking. He nodded his head while we talked to him as if saying "yes, mom/dad I understand". This makes the vendors applause with appreciation. They said "kiing jang luey" which means "very smart". Hyzyd always gives us reasons to be proud of him even in small things.

Happy 14th months Hyzyd. We love you so much. I love to carry him even though he's now a big boy and very heavy. Thanks be to God that I'm strong and healthy though sometimes common cold catches up with me. Thanks God that the school issued us health insurance. I wonder if they have medicare part D coverage in here?

What is a Medicare Part D anyway? It is is a federal program to subsidize the costs of prescription drugs for Medicare beneficiaries in the United States. It was enacted as part of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA) and went into effect on January 1, 2006.

Now I see, we don't have medicare part D coverage in here but I better ask my Thai friends if they have a health program in the government equivalent with this and if the foreigners can avail this kind of health service. I read about "Ways to Maximize Your Medicare Part D Prescription Coverage and Save More on Your Medications". I learned that when your Doctor prescribes a medication for you, ask him then and there if that is the least expensive drug to take for your illness. Many Doctors prescribe expensive new designer drugs rather than the cheap but old tried and true medications.

I better peek the Medicare D glossary to widen my knowledge about this area before I go to bed tonight.

Ta-ta for now!


  1. Mare Happy 14th month old to your baby Hyzyd hehe maganda nga yan di nyo ni baby talk para madali syang makapag salita ng maayos...i hope maka avail din kayo soon ng Medicare part D Coverage..hugs!

    May the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow. Wish you lots of love, joy and happiness. Merry Christmas to you and the rest of your family!


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