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What's Hyzyd's fave place in the house? Your answer will earn you 1k ec credit

This is just for fun. Hyzyd has been talking non-stop these days-talking in his unique ways but there are some words that he could clearly utter like the one below:

What's Hyzyd's favorite place in the house? I'll give 1,000 each to the first 5 who could leave a comment and give the correct answer. It's just simple to earn EC credits here, right?

Watch out for more Entrecard credit give-aways in here. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. hahahahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhhahahah

  2. bathroom daw. hihihihi. ang kyuuuttt!!!! an likot likot. hee hee

  3. it's more like nyathroom... with his tongue flicked out at the nyath part. lol
    so i guess his fave place in the house is bathroom :D he was able to pronounce it correctly at the end part. :)


  4. It's my first time here....pwede makisali.Hyzyd's favorite place in the house is the bathroom.:)

  5. hey thanks a lot for those EC's!! i don't know how do u get all those credits? do you hog them or something? hehehehe... i'm not from surigao, i'm from cebu. :) but i love siargao island :)

  6. wow, bathroom, pareho pala kami ni Hyzd's ng fave place, hi, hi, tc.


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