Whenever the church where we fellowship has special celebration like the church's anniversary or Christmas , they will distribute free Christian T-Shirts to members like the one I received below:

Wearing Christian T-shirts is one way of displaying your faith proudly. While some of your friends might be uncomfortable with someone wearing Christian clothing, this still opens up many great opportunities for conversation. Wearing something that provokes a question is an excellent way to start a conversation.
Wearing Christian T-Shirts is also a great way to re-affirm your faith, for many reasons. From picking out the perfect t-shirt in the store, to selecting the right one to wear today, Christian clothes in your wardrobe serve as a comforting reminder of God's love and all that He has given you. Not to mention how wonderful it feels to have that physical reminder of being clothed in God's love.
Additionally, once your friends are more comfortable about your Christian attire, they might start to ask questions. While it might take a bit of time or some gentle encouragement to let them feel comfortable asking questions about your Christianity and your Christian clothing, it's not all that difficult to do.

I find a Christian T-shirt suitable for Hyzyd at http://www.onlinechristianshopper.com. In the vein of the popular "Cars" genre, this bright, bold blue Christian T-Shirt will delight my toddler and bring smiles to those who see it. "Run in such a way as to get the prize," it says under a very distinctive automobile design. I'm sure my toddler will love this shirt and want to wear it every day

I find a Christian T-shirt suitable for Hyzyd at http://www.onlinechristianshopper.com. In the vein of the popular "Cars" genre, this bright, bold blue Christian T-Shirt will delight my toddler and bring smiles to those who see it. "Run in such a way as to get the prize," it says under a very distinctive automobile design. I'm sure my toddler will love this shirt and want to wear it every day
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