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importance of getting health insurance for Hyzyd

Living here in Thailand is not quite easy for us. Language barrier is the main issue here. Because of this factor, we're not yet able to get a health insurance for our Hyzyd. I need to ask our minister's wife who speaks English fluently if she could help us find a Healthcare Insurance providers here in Thailand that caters the expatriate community or a family healthcare insurance like offered by Connecticut Health Insurance.

There is a wide choice of quality health insurance plans for individuals and families from most of the leading health insurance companies in Connecticut.The premiums for private medical insurance policies are all standardized and filed with the Connecticut Insurance Department. This means all agencies must quote the same rates. It is suggested that private insurance holders review their policy rate every 18 months.

What I like about them is their Husky Plan intended to assist all children who don’t have health insurance. I wish they also have like that here in Hatyai.

Nothing feels better for parents than to see their kids growing healthy in a good environment and their basic needs are met such as medical care that's why its important that we could obtain health insurance for Hyzyd. As much as possible we want only the best for our kid to be able to function well in the community he lives in and to fulfill his educational and employment opportunities in the next years to come. By obtaining health insurance for Hyzyd, he is very much protected.

Here are 5 importance of getting health insurance for my kid and yours too:

1.According to studies conducted on children, those who have health insurance for children are most likely to become active and perform well in school.
2.Children who have health insurance are also likely to get the best health care or medical treatment that they need whenever required and as toddlers, they are given the proper immunizations.
3.According to the studies conducted by the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and National Center for Health Services Research (NCHSR), children with asthma and ear infections never consulted a doctor because they do not have health insurance plans.
4.Insured children are also likely to visit the dentist regularly for dental and preventive care.
5.Health insurance for children is very important for kids to grow up healthy and be able to function well in their respective communities. These are just some benefits that they will get when they have proper health insurance for children.


  1. You can always opt for international health insurance. It will cover you wherever you are and most times you can obtain a customer service agent that speaks your language.

  2. You can always opt for international health insurance. It will cover you wherever you are and most times you can obtain a customer service agent that speaks your language.


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