Yesterday was my baby's 8 months birthday! Before the pictures let me first summarize his milestones: 1 month: lifts head when lying on tummy, can hold his head at 45-degree angle respond to sounds stares at faces vocalizes oohs and aahs smiles started to gurgle and coo 2 months: gurgles and coos notices his hand holds head up for short periods until he mustered his strength to hold his head steady for longer period of time makes smoother movement lifts head and shoulder when lying on tummy (mini-push-up) 3 months : recognizes my face and his dad's face as well as our scent visually tracks moving object squeals, gurgles and coos started to blow bubbles recognizes our voices does mini-push-up turns toward loud sounds attempted to bring hands together smiles and laughs started to eat solid food starts "finger-sucking" 4 months : smiles and laughs can bear weight on legs coos when we talk to him started to grasp some toys but not his bottle (I wonder) imitates sounds-lal...